Image taken by Ashley at Old Growth Alchemy

Image taken by Ashley at Old Growth Alchemy


Willing & Fable Brand Partners

Green Leaf Geek - use the code “FABLE” for 10% your order (restrictions apply)

Old Growth Alchemy - Listen to Episode 33 - Wicked Witch to learn about out hosts favorite tea blends

White Light Productions Seaglass Jewelry - Check out Episodes 23 - 25 “Stories From the Sea” to hear our partnered myths

Diament Jewelry - Our hosts recommend their custom curated gift boxes for birthdays and holiday shopping

The Outrage - our favorite place to find clothing a merch that supports the causes we care about. Every, single purchase donates to different organizations and charities!


My Greenfill (Now known as Truly Free)



Guppy Friend Wash Bag

Tru Earth Laundry Strips

Depop Resale

Old Growth Alchemy

Darksome Craft Market

Deadbolt Mystery Society

Raven and Rogue Tarot

Tatzarazzi Temporary Tattoos on Etsy

Death and Floral Perfume

The Outrage